Gwen Page-Hawley – 1990 Issue# 49

Gwen Page-Hawley’s 1st Ad
in the Cape Fear Real Estate Directory

1990 | Issue# 49

Gwen Page-Hawley's first advertisement was in the 49th issue of The Cape Fear Real Estate Directory. She first ran an ad in 1990 and is still one of our treasured advertisers today. Thank you, Gwen for your support throughout the years!

To celebrate our 30th anniversary, we are going to post each week in the coming year the first ad that our recent advertisers ran with us. We think this will be a fun way to commemorate our 30th anniversary, thank our advertisers, look back at how the area has grown and, of course, see how prices have changed over the past 30 years. Click here to see all the ads we have posted so far.

Lee Crouch – 1990 Issue# 48

Lee Crouch’s 1st Ad
in the Cape Fear Real Estate Directory

1990 | Issue# 48

Lee Crouch's first advertisement was in the 48th issue of The Cape Fear Real Estate Directory. He first ran an ad in 1990 and within a couple of years became a regular advertiser. In the mid-2000s, when print advertising was at its height, Lee ran as many as 16 pages per month in the publication. He still runs in every issue of CFRED today, making him one of our longest, continuous running agents. Thank you, Lee for your support throughout the years!

To celebrate our 30th anniversary, we are going to post each week in the coming year the first ad that our recent advertisers ran with us. We think this will be a fun way to commemorate our 30th anniversary, thank our advertisers, look back at how the area has grown and, of course, see how prices have changed over the past 30 years. Click here to see all the ads we have posted so far.

Margery Jordan – 1989 Issue# 41

Margery Jordan's 1st Ad
in the Cape Fear Real Estate Directory

1989 | Issue# 41

Margery Jordan's first advertisement was in the 41st issue of The Cape Fear Real Estate Directory which was in 1989. Thank you, Margery for your support throughout the years!

To celebrate our 30th anniversary, we are going to post each week in the coming year the first ad that our recent advertisers ran with us. We think this will be a fun way to commemorate our 30th anniversary, thank our advertisers, look back at how the area has grown and, of course, see how prices have changed over the past 30 years. Click here to see all the ads we have posted so far.

Landfall Realty – 1989 Issue# 40

Landfall Realty’s 1st Ad
in the Cape Fear Real Estate Directory

1989 | Issue# 40

Landfall Realty began running regularly in the 40th issue of The Cape Fear Real Estate Directory in 1989. Today, the Landfall community is a beautiful, premier, and highly desired neighborhood and we are privileged to continue working with the wonderful agents and staff at Landfall Realty. Thank you, Landfall Realty for your support throughout the years!

To celebrate our 30th anniversary, we are going to post each week in the coming year the first ad that our recent advertisers ran with us. We think this will be a fun way to commemorate our 30th anniversary, thank our advertisers, look back at how the area has grown and, of course, see how prices have changed over the past 30 years. Click here to see all the ads we have posted so far.

Tee Woodbury – 1989 Issue# 38

Tee Woodbury’s 1st Ad
in the Cape Fear Real Estate Directory

1989 | Issue# 38

Tee Woodbury's first advertisement was in the 38th issue of The Cape Fear Real Estate Directory. She first ran an ad in 1989 and we are grateful to still have her as an advertiser in 2016. Thank you, Tee for your support throughout the years!

To celebrate our 30th anniversary, we are going to post each week in the coming year the first ad that our recent advertisers ran with us. We think this will be a fun way to commemorate our 30th anniversary, thank our advertisers, look back at how the area has grown and, of course, see how prices have changed over the past 30 years. Click here to see all the ads we have posted so far.

Margaret Barclay – 1988 Issue# 29

Margaret Barclay’s 1st Ad
in the Cape Fear Real Estate Directory

1988 | Issue# 29

Margaret Barclay's first advertisement was in the 29th issue of The Cape Fear Real Estate Directory. She first ran an ad in 1988 and continued to be in the magazine until she retired from Intracoastal Realty in 2014. Thank you, Margaret for your support throughout the years!

To celebrate our 30th anniversary, we are going to post each week in the coming year the first ad that our recent advertisers ran with us. We think this will be a fun way to commemorate our 30th anniversary, thank our advertisers, look back at how the area has grown and, of course, see how prices have changed over the past 30 years. Click here to see all the ads we have posted so far.

Intracoastal Realty – 1986 Issue# 1

Intracoastal Realty's 1st Ad
in the Cape Fear Real Estate Directory

1986 | Issue# 1

The first Intracoastal Realty advertisement was in the premier issue of The Cape Fear Real Estate Directory. In 1986 Jack Davis approached Jim Wallace, owner of Intracoastal Realty, with a notebook paper mock-up of The Cape Fear Real Estate Directory. Jim said he'd take a page and, having never missed an issue in 28 years, Intracoastal retains a strong presence in our publication today.

In 1986, Intracoastal Realty had one office with 10 agents. Today they have grown to seven offices with 300 agents, and serve New Hanover, Brunswick and Pender Counties.

To celebrate our 30th anniversary, we are going to post each week in the coming year the first ad that our recent advertisers ran with us. We think this will be a fun way to commemorate our 30th anniversary, thank our advertisers, look back at how the area has grown and, of course, see how prices have changed over the past 30 years. Click here to see all the ads we have posted so far.

CFRED Celebrates 30th Anniversary

Cape Fear Real Estate Directory Celebrates 30th Anniversary

Taking a look back at the last 30 years of real estate in the Cape Fear area.

Our Friend and Founder, Jack Davis (June 8, 1945 - October 28, 2012)

View the 30th Anniversary Issue Online

WILMINGTON, October 1, 2016: The Cape Fear Real Estate Directory (CFRED) will celebrate its 30th anniversary with the October issue, available in print and online ( on October 1. Founded in 1986 by local photographer Jack Davis (June 8, 1945 - October 28, 2012), CFRED’s 30th anniversary cover photo honors him and the vision he had for the magazine. Each week in the coming year CFRED will take a look back at the last 30 years of real estate by posting to their website and Facebook page the first ad that their recent advertisers ran in the publication.

In 1986 Jack Davis had a vision for how this area could be marketed, a true love and eye for photography, as well as an incredible work ethic and true commitment to each client. His drive to produce a high quality publication, and enthusiasm for innovation and new technology allowed CFRED to improve the way it produced, displayed, and delivered the publication throughout the years.

“We like to pause this time each year and remember our friend and the founder of this publication, Jack Davis. This year it is especially important to honor him as we celebrate our 30th year of publishing the magazine,“ says current publisher and real estate photographer, Karen Zyp. “I was blessed to work beside Jack for 24 years and to have him teach me about photography, marketing, the printing business, and the importance of putting the client first. I am honored to be able to continue to do the work Jack started 30 years ago and I thank our clients and readers for allowing me to do so.”